
Find 🔍 Travel 🌍 Earn 💰

Where stories will inspire journeys

Revolutionizing the way people discover, share, and book their travel experiences through social


Earn More

Trekstir empowers influencers to monetize their travel content by sharing unique photos and videos that inspire bookings. You will earn more commissions seamlessly while growing your brand and connecting with your audience. Trekstir bridges storytelling with travel commerce, making it easier for travel influencers to turn their passion into profit.


Book Confidently

Trekstir empowers travelers to discover their next adventure through authentic stories, videos, and photos shared by real people. Skip the polished ads—see experiences that match your travel style. With integrated booking options for hotels, tours, and activities, Trekstir turns inspiration into action, saving you time and simplifying trip planning.

Hoteliers and tour operators

Drive Revenue

Trekstir connects hospitality businesses with an engaged audience through social storytelling. Showcase your offerings via authentic content and reach travelers more effectively. With a more favorable commission structure than OTAs, Trekstir helps businesses increase visibility and retain more revenue, driving profitability and growth.

Seamless Connections

Stay connected via our constantly growing list of channel manager partners for both stays and activities.

Simple Booking

Book stays and activities without ever leaving the app. Our platform accepts Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Google and Apple Pay, as well as Affirm.

Straightforward Payouts

Earned commissions? You can quickly and easily transfer the funds directly to your bank account.


Ride with us

Are you a channel manager, PMS, CRS, or Activity/Tour Platform? We're always looking to expand our offerings and would love to connect. Click below to submit an inquiry.

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